Monday, September 9, 2013


Hello Internet Titian's,
So today was kinda wonderful in an odd sorta way.

I'm going to jump right in, today I was exposed to mercury.
So I know what you're thinking "Um what the fuck child are you okay?" The answer to that is yes I'm fine, and it was quite the adventure.

North house was in Shillers class, science, and we were meant to be doing a science experiment. So everyone was going up to grab their materials. Various types of things, yeast, coke, rockstar, and of course thermometers. One of the thermometers just so happened to contain mercury. My friend Smith just so happened to get a wonky one, which the top was broken off of. So the long hollow tube fell and shattered.

We didn't know it had mercury at first, so Schiller was just going to lecture us. Then Smith started pushing the broken glass with his shoe, when Schiller announced "Oh great, it has mercury in it."
The class went quite and there was mumbles of "Oh hell we're going to die." and "who did that? ohmygosh!"
Schiller herded us into the back of the class, then quickly evacuated us. We went to Van Slogs (Ewwww Spanish twice a day!) and watched some documentary on endangered species. All the while I tried comforting Smith.

Over all it was a pretty decent day. And eventful too, maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about Ipoly relationships.
Song of the day is Video Games by The Young Professionals (cover Lana Del Ray) brought to you by Vivian
As always,
Stay classy.

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