Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hello fellow Internet philosophers,
How are you doing today, and be honest, because I'm not doing so hot.
But all whining aside, I have stuff to fill you in on! Seriously, I haven't posted since last Thursday! That's almost a million dog years, you know. (Yay, starting today with lame ass jokes.)

Thursday went boringly enough, the only exciting part was improv auditions, which I was unable to talk about because the team didn't know if they made it or not. Good news! Jordan (a sophomore whose link I do not have) Vivian, and Brooke made the improv junior varsity team. Major excitement there.

Friday was short and stressful, as they are. Nothing really interesting happened.

Saturday is where things got interesting. As you know, sophomores at Ipoly participate in a Pseudo-Olympics, meant to enrich our minds and invigorate our bodies. In reality it stresses us the fuck out and makes us very irritable. The first component to this is the flag of whatever country you got, my country is Greece. You and your group have to make the flag.
With these perimeters my group and I decided to sew ours. We were under the impression that it would look better (It does) but that involved a seven hour group meeting. I had a lot of fun and we got a metric shit ton done, so it made up for it a bit.

Sunday I was sick as a dog. I did literally nothing but lay in bed and edit my other blog For my writing, check it out if you want. (If you do visit my other blog, then wait a minute for the nice font's too load. They look nicer then the default one's they give you.) I went to Starbucks at one point (I'd like to take a moment to say, Starbucks don't pay me. I just have an addiction to their multitude of coffees and teas.) and they knew me as soon as I walked in. A sign I frequent there all too often.

Nothing happened on Monday.

And today, well today was your normal day at Ipoly. We played bad mitten in P:E (in preparation for Olympics.) I got confused as to which class I was supposed to be in, which is completely normal. Then we went to elective and story boarded our door scenes (I wasn't paying attention, like I said, I'm pretty down so today was kinda bland for me.) Then me, Brooke, Vivian, and Kenzie went to lunch, only to be joined by Eman, Jacob, and Nathaly. (Pronounced Natalie) Then I learned how to format a paper in Hogans.

The biggest stuff that happened today, happened after school. Everyone was confused as too why I didn't audition for the big Musical. In all honesty, I don't think I can do it. I expend so much of my energy focusing on being okay, and school, and dealing with home issues, that I don't have any extra to spare. Or maybe I'm just sad, and I don't want to do it because I'd have to be happy for an extra three hours every Tuesday and Wednesday. I really don't know which it is, but I know I'm exhausted, and I can't take too much.
I'm scared of finally snapping, and eventually I'll just start falling apart...
But those thoughts are a little too heavy for the third week of school.
(Update since I first wrote this. I'm feeling a little bit better.)

The song of the day is Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
As always,
Stay Classy.

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