Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Busy Bee Excuse.

Hello fellow Internet Procrastinators,

So I'm not going to have an excuse this time. We both know that I fucked up. Sorry.

But I can sum up the last few days in one word. Hell.

Being gone for two days has sent my grades into a tailspin and me into a frenzy. I am so busy trying to get caught up, that I completely spaced on catching you up. I feel like I need a major vacation from school, and I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving break.

But I'll be okay, I know I'm not doing so hot as a person right now. And I'm pushing people, and things I love, away. Apparently these are all symptoms of "Loose ends-itus." Okay, so we both know that's not a thing. It should be, but it's not.

School was hellish today, I'm so worried about getting perfect grades it's causing me too panic. Math is an excellent example of "What the fuck do I do here?" times. (P:s Did you know that fuck is the only infix in the English language. Pretty fanfuckingtastic, don't ya think?) I understood the things really basically but I wouldn't have been fast enough too finish it on my own, and I had too copy off a friend, after they made me prove I could do it. And I figured out a problem they didn't get.

Science is proving a challenge too.. an NC challenge but I think I can improve it..

Oh yeah, and I'm an asshole and hurt everything I hold dear, and Im thinking about just not trying to fix anything anymore.
Except school. Maybe I'll just stop having friends all together. Who knows....

I am in this melting pot of headaches and I don't know how to get out and maybe no one is reading this anymore because it's not like I'm talking important stuff anymore.
I'm cold.
Song of the day is R.I.P by 3oh!3
As always,
Stay classy.

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