Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, I'm in love!

Special Friday post Go! 
So I didn't post yesterday because I was asleep. Apparently I ate a burger in my sleep though. It was in and out in my defense.

And today was kinda amazing. I'm not going to go into details but I did something kinda brave and it had a cool result. Oh and Brooke (cooper) and Jacob are finally together. (Most of us have been waiting since freshmen year) 

So I'm feeling pretty good. I hope you are too. I've decided I'm going to try and upstate this everyday but who knows if I really will or not, but it will be updated. Yeah, I pinky swear.

Song of the day is Everyday by Buddy Holly. And ve got this friend by The Civil Wars.
No links because I'm on a mobile.

As always,
Stay classy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Busy Bee Excuse.

Hello fellow Internet Procrastinators,

So I'm not going to have an excuse this time. We both know that I fucked up. Sorry.

But I can sum up the last few days in one word. Hell.

Being gone for two days has sent my grades into a tailspin and me into a frenzy. I am so busy trying to get caught up, that I completely spaced on catching you up. I feel like I need a major vacation from school, and I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving break.

But I'll be okay, I know I'm not doing so hot as a person right now. And I'm pushing people, and things I love, away. Apparently these are all symptoms of "Loose ends-itus." Okay, so we both know that's not a thing. It should be, but it's not.

School was hellish today, I'm so worried about getting perfect grades it's causing me too panic. Math is an excellent example of "What the fuck do I do here?" times. (P:s Did you know that fuck is the only infix in the English language. Pretty fanfuckingtastic, don't ya think?) I understood the things really basically but I wouldn't have been fast enough too finish it on my own, and I had too copy off a friend, after they made me prove I could do it. And I figured out a problem they didn't get.

Science is proving a challenge too.. an NC challenge but I think I can improve it..

Oh yeah, and I'm an asshole and hurt everything I hold dear, and Im thinking about just not trying to fix anything anymore.
Except school. Maybe I'll just stop having friends all together. Who knows....

I am in this melting pot of headaches and I don't know how to get out and maybe no one is reading this anymore because it's not like I'm talking important stuff anymore.
I'm cold.
Song of the day is R.I.P by 3oh!3
As always,
Stay classy.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Illness and Unforseen Events.

Well hello fellow Internet outcasts,

I'm still sick! And I stayed home from school again today. So there isn't really much to talk about. I slept a lot and haven't stopped coughing.

So I'm going to give a quick update to the situation with BioMom.

She's talking to me again, checked in the other day to see how I was doing. She even sounded sympathetic. But in all honesty I don't believe it. But what the hell good for her, finally acting like the adult.

But that's all I have for you today, really, I'm just trying to make sure I don't fall behind on homework. Two days at Ipoly is like three weeks at most schools. Probably why I love it so much, finally a school that can keep up.

Today's song of the day is This is Gospel by Panic at the Disco dedicated to Vivian Because I miss her.

As always,
Stay classy.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Omfgee hey you guys, so I got this horrendous sickness in me right now and I'm staying home from school tomorrow. I was going to make a post but then I started coughing, it wasn't pretty. Any way that's why there's no real post tonight. Sorry again.
Get well soon!

Song of the day was going to be Be Calm by Fun. Buuut I'm posting from mobile again.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Germanic Spanglish and Cheese Sticks.

Hello Internet Explorers, (been avoiding that one, if you can tell  why.)

I didn't post yesterday because I found out my cat whose been my cat for sixteen years ,and has been alive for twenty-two, is dying. Very sad, I literally slept all day.

But now I'm back and here to recap the interesting stuff from Monday and today.

So we all know that Van Slog has too be the worst Spanish teacher in the history of the subject, but she got worse. I go into Spanish class about five minutes late (Because really I'm not worried about being late too her class, it's not like I'm going to miss anything.) to a new seating arrangement. Not really caring because I'm sat next to people I can copy off of, I continue with what I do in her class (Doodle mostly, and pass notes back to Omar.)
All was well in my little universe, until she started speaking German. Now I don't understand Spanish, and sometimes English freaks me out too. But fucking German, really Van Slog? Why was it necessary to give me even more of a Monday blues headache, who knows.

After that it was a pretty normal day, except in history. Omar, Jacob, Khris, Louis, and I had to write a children's book about the British invasion of China, and the Opium war. Seriously the best in class project so far, I had a lot of fun coming up with the story with this group of guys. Plus it was adorable watching Omar and Jacobs face's light up with glee at every new idea we added.

Today, however, was a very uneventful day.
Now I mean that in the most amazing way possible. The teachers noticed pretty much everyone was in a bit of a funk. So they almost gave us the day off.
My day started with being flirted with by the Starbucks barrista. (I think we should have a tally for how many times I mention Starbucks in the year....) Which brightened my dark morning, plus I got to have a pumpkin spice latte, which is amazingly fall-esque and made me happy. But because of my little habit, I arrived to PE about fifteen minutes behind. I repeat, I arrived to PE fifteen minutes late with a Starbucks. (Life goal achieved, if you don't get the joke click here to be redirected to knowyourmeme.) We were running, which is gross, and I am sick right now. (I'm usually sick. Constantly because when you say "Don't hug me, I'm sick and don't want to get you sick!" It makes me want too hug you more....) So I sat this one out.
Step one on a good day, lazy PE hour.

Next was Geometry. The class that I have gotten so frazzled in Mrs. Thinnes has given me candy to make me feel better. And boy was I not looking forward too it. But wait, what was that on the board? Homework wasn't due and all I had was fifteen vocab words? Hallelujah.
Step two on an awesome day, No math.

I have Mrs. Thinnes for elective too, and my elective is film. I am sick and needed to put forth effort to act. Talk about not fun. But I got to visit my FAVORITE TEACHER MRS. EDWARDS (She is sorta the reason I've continued to pursue writing as an actual carrier. Seriously with out her, I wouldn't have made this blog or my writing blog. She is amazing, both as a teacher and author. I'll put up her link eventually.)
Step three too an amazeballs day, A fed Edwards.

And then there was lunch.
Step four to a super mega foxy awesome hot day, A fed Baugus.

We finished our day off with Hogans. Who every explicitly told us "You've been writing too much, let's goof off a bit." Seriously Mr. Hogan gets what it's like to be a student. Bored, tired, on the brink of tears. But he always squeezes thought into us, which is what an English teacher is supposed too do. Make you think.
Step Five to a wonderful day, Understanding.

Song of the day is Disco Inferno by The Trammps and I Got Mine by The Black Keys brought to us by the infinitely awesome Jake (the Junior....)
As always,
Stay classy.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Three Day's Lost, and a Long Ass Story.

Okay so I'm going to forget our normal greetings. There is no "hey Internet!" today.

I'm going to explain exactly why I didn't make any posts since Tuesday.
Okay to preface, I am physically okay, what has happened over the course of the last three days has not physically effected me (unless you count moderate soreness and head aches) My BioMom is at fault but there is nothing we can do about it. So please don't try reporting this anywhere. I don't figure anyone would but as a precaution, don't do it.

Now I've began using the term BioMom because the woman who gave birth to me is not who I identify as my mother. She was called Mom in many of my other posts, because I will not use her name in these for fear of her finding this blog. So she will be called BioMom from this point onwards. This doesn't mean I was adopted (BioMom is a term, as I understand, is commonly used by people who were adopted. I have simply disowned my BioMom and in my daily life I call her by her first name.)

On Tuesday night BioMom caused major drama. All had been well that day, school went awesome, I had gotten a few complements, and spent the day taking "Me" time. Just making sure I was okay. I had talked to a new kid, who for the first six months of school freshmen year I called "beanie kid." It was just an awesome day, even if I was a tad bit sad. Then I got home and my uncle had come to visit! How awesome was that, good day at school and my favorite sassy gay uncle was here to say hello. After talking with him for a solid thirty minutes, I gave him and BioMom some "adult time" to catch up. So I said "Hey, let's go see what the O'neills are up too!" (The O'neills are my old babysitters, they live like a house down from me. I think I've mentioned them before...) So I go over and I find, much to my happy surprise, JoeLove. JoeLove is a family friend to the O'neills and just a cool dude. And we had an amazing conversation about life and moving forward and doing awesome stuff!
So far the day sounds awesome right? Well I go home and I get told to take my shower, no big, I had requested first dibs anyway. Uncle Rainbow pulls me aside and we just chat for a little bit, because remember he was having "adult time" up until this point. (To clarify, adult time is time when BioMom talks to the people over eighteen because anyone under that certain number is an idiot in her eyes.)
We were having a lovely conversation, until Boyfriend comes into the room and starts yelling at me to (In his words.) "Get my fucking shit done,BioMom is irritated." Although I was taken back a bit, I complied. Taking my shower. While attempting to put on skinny jeans after a shower (Talk about impossible.) I hear BioMom screaming through the door, shouting for people to "Get the fuck out of my fucking room, you ungrateful little bitch." At this point I started to tear up, obviously she was talking about me. Then she started screaming at my uncle, who was trying to calm her down. She started screaming again about how she worked six days a week and no one did anything to help her and no one cared.

That's when I got upset. No one cared? Well excuse me while I stand here, fucked up by her constant drinking, smoking, depression, YEARS without a job. How I started to basically raise myself when I turned six. Because no one cares, I didn't stand by her and defend her and her life choices. I didn't grow up at seven to take care of her. Nope, because no one cares.

Then came more yelling. This time it's Nana. She's upset for some reason or another. Boyfriend comes into the room I share with his kid unannounced to yell at me to wash pans. But it wasn't my dish night, tonight was Autumns night. I expressed my confusion and he said "We can't tell whose they were so they are yours."
That made me mad. Really really angry. Now add that too the anger and upset from my mothers screaming fit and I'm filled. One more yell and I would burst. And guess who decided too make a snide comment? Nana. (Told you you would hear about them again.) She barks at me "If I can't see myself in those dishes, you'll do them again, I don't care about your homework." and that's it. I start whispering to myself the phrase "can you not?" and then I keep repeating it, and then I'm yelling it. And I can't stop. She then throws a remote at me and stomps off to her room. Boyfriend starts yelling at me and god, he's pointing his hands in my direction. And I can't stand it. He looks at me like I'm an idiot, like I have no brain function. Like I'm not human.
I throw down the pot that I'm washing, and run to my shared room to put on shoes and a cardigan. Then I run outside, quietly closing the door behind me. I call BB and silently scream out all my problems and cry. I'm walking around my neighborhood at nearly ten and I just don't know what to do. BB talks me down, way down. And I'm finally able to go back inside.

Now with that story out of the way and how very wordy I was with it think about that story just getting ten times worse everyday. Highlighted phrases from each days fights include.
(these will be bold-ed and caps-ed based on anger and VOLUME)
Wednesday: "YOU'RE JUST A STUPID TEENAGER."- Boyfriend
Thursday: "With all due respect, you may be dating my mother, but you are not my father."- me

Shit got real. And after that I didn't speak to my mom for four days, until Friday, when she told me what a terrible person I was.

So I decided I was done standing by her. And I'm done defending her.

And that's also why I wasn't posting. But there was some awesome shit to come this week too,
-I'm now varsity Improv (Thanks Andrew :D)
-I'm entering a fiction competition
-My group got an AP on our flag. Meaning we passed.
This weeks song of the week is It's Nice too Be Alive by Ball Park Music brought too us by BB
As always,
Stay classy.
And stay strong.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Shit Guys,

Hello darlings dears and doves.
I'm sorry, but tonight there will be no recap, it's too late and stuff went down with Mom. I'll double post tomorrow and let you know about it and tomorrows recap too.
Thank you for your understanding. Love you guys, goodnight <3
 Song of the day is Animal by Miike snow. Sorry no link, on a mobile.
As always,
Stay classy.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Hello Internet Titian's,
So today was kinda wonderful in an odd sorta way.

I'm going to jump right in, today I was exposed to mercury.
So I know what you're thinking "Um what the fuck child are you okay?" The answer to that is yes I'm fine, and it was quite the adventure.

North house was in Shillers class, science, and we were meant to be doing a science experiment. So everyone was going up to grab their materials. Various types of things, yeast, coke, rockstar, and of course thermometers. One of the thermometers just so happened to contain mercury. My friend Smith just so happened to get a wonky one, which the top was broken off of. So the long hollow tube fell and shattered.

We didn't know it had mercury at first, so Schiller was just going to lecture us. Then Smith started pushing the broken glass with his shoe, when Schiller announced "Oh great, it has mercury in it."
The class went quite and there was mumbles of "Oh hell we're going to die." and "who did that? ohmygosh!"
Schiller herded us into the back of the class, then quickly evacuated us. We went to Van Slogs (Ewwww Spanish twice a day!) and watched some documentary on endangered species. All the while I tried comforting Smith.

Over all it was a pretty decent day. And eventful too, maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about Ipoly relationships.
Song of the day is Video Games by The Young Professionals (cover Lana Del Ray) brought to you by Vivian
As always,
Stay classy.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Disney Prince Friends

Hello Internet royalty!

Today was a very large mix of good and bad. A very large mixture, but it ended marvelously enough so there is a bright side. 
And although today was host to many cool things to talk about. (My and Brooke's anniversary, an amazing lunch, the finished flag.)
I'm going to talk about amazing friends and Disney Princes.

But before I do that, let me say one thing. When you start freaking out, and your parents push on you harder. Don't break. Don't bend. And don't waver. You are just as strong as they are. And they can't hold you back. High school is one moment in life, you'll be okay. And you'll find a Disney prince to tell you that too. <3

I have this friend who will go unnamed, but if he reads this he'll know it's him, who has been just that. A friend. As I said I had a lot of lows today, and I've been thinking very seriously about leaving Ipoly for a simpler school, I told him about this and he said I shouldn't go. Because then who would he do drama with? (at this point I was smiling, and giggling happily) I told him the stress had been getting at me lately, and pulling me way low. To which he responded,
"I'm here if you ever need a shoulder to cry on :)"
How Disney prince is that?!
All in all it cheered me up, reminding me that having awesome people like that around is really important.
That's all for me today, there will be a post tomorrow, I feel like I owe it too you, plus I'm getting a hair cut! So that constitutes adventure.

Today's song is Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
As always,
Stay classy.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pain in the Neck.

Hello fellow Internet watchers.

My neck is literally killing me, slowly, with great effort on my part not to die.
Today was really boring in all honesty. I didn't do much today except fall asleep during Spanish (also known as hell) and trekked all the way up to Starbucks at lunch with Vivian (Still not being payed by them, sadly...)

I've basically been depressed and doing all kinds of homework all week.
So I really have nothing to talk about, unless you want to know more about Ipoly and what it's like?
Or maybe about my friends?
I should really have like a stockpile of ideas so if I run into day's like this that are just so dull.

Honestly I have nothing today. I hope you guy's are doing well, I'm going to go do homework.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hello fellow Internet philosophers,
How are you doing today, and be honest, because I'm not doing so hot.
But all whining aside, I have stuff to fill you in on! Seriously, I haven't posted since last Thursday! That's almost a million dog years, you know. (Yay, starting today with lame ass jokes.)

Thursday went boringly enough, the only exciting part was improv auditions, which I was unable to talk about because the team didn't know if they made it or not. Good news! Jordan (a sophomore whose link I do not have) Vivian, and Brooke made the improv junior varsity team. Major excitement there.

Friday was short and stressful, as they are. Nothing really interesting happened.

Saturday is where things got interesting. As you know, sophomores at Ipoly participate in a Pseudo-Olympics, meant to enrich our minds and invigorate our bodies. In reality it stresses us the fuck out and makes us very irritable. The first component to this is the flag of whatever country you got, my country is Greece. You and your group have to make the flag.
With these perimeters my group and I decided to sew ours. We were under the impression that it would look better (It does) but that involved a seven hour group meeting. I had a lot of fun and we got a metric shit ton done, so it made up for it a bit.

Sunday I was sick as a dog. I did literally nothing but lay in bed and edit my other blog For my writing, check it out if you want. (If you do visit my other blog, then wait a minute for the nice font's too load. They look nicer then the default one's they give you.) I went to Starbucks at one point (I'd like to take a moment to say, Starbucks don't pay me. I just have an addiction to their multitude of coffees and teas.) and they knew me as soon as I walked in. A sign I frequent there all too often.

Nothing happened on Monday.

And today, well today was your normal day at Ipoly. We played bad mitten in P:E (in preparation for Olympics.) I got confused as to which class I was supposed to be in, which is completely normal. Then we went to elective and story boarded our door scenes (I wasn't paying attention, like I said, I'm pretty down so today was kinda bland for me.) Then me, Brooke, Vivian, and Kenzie went to lunch, only to be joined by Eman, Jacob, and Nathaly. (Pronounced Natalie) Then I learned how to format a paper in Hogans.

The biggest stuff that happened today, happened after school. Everyone was confused as too why I didn't audition for the big Musical. In all honesty, I don't think I can do it. I expend so much of my energy focusing on being okay, and school, and dealing with home issues, that I don't have any extra to spare. Or maybe I'm just sad, and I don't want to do it because I'd have to be happy for an extra three hours every Tuesday and Wednesday. I really don't know which it is, but I know I'm exhausted, and I can't take too much.
I'm scared of finally snapping, and eventually I'll just start falling apart...
But those thoughts are a little too heavy for the third week of school.
(Update since I first wrote this. I'm feeling a little bit better.)

The song of the day is Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
As always,
Stay Classy.