Friday, October 4, 2013

Updates from the editing room.

Hello fellow Internet educators.
I'm in film class right now, Jacob is sitting (well standing) Beside me telling me too call you fuck faces. Which isn't going too happen because I'd rather not.

My group is currently editing our film, so I don't have much too do. I'm just updating for the sake of it. I mean nothing has really happened today except my uninterrupted hatred of math. I swear too god that Mrs. T hates all of us or something. Because the patterns she gave us were complete bull.

I don't really know what all I should talk about, but writing gives me something too do. Plus I like it.

I guess I'll tell you a bit about my plans for today.
I'm going on a solo adventure. I plan on trekking up and attempting to find something too do. And hopefully not be attacked. because I am a very pretty girl walking around a scary collage campus by myself. It would be terrible if something was to happen too me.
Okay so it wouldn't be that bad, but still.

I don't really want too walk Up alone. But no one wants to come with me. So alone in the heat I shall go. Jacob is Brooke's boyfriend by the by.

I think i've mentioned that! oh yeah I did but there weren't any links.
Okay that's it from the editing room.
Song of the day is Bulletproof love by Peirce the Veil. (Thank Brooke.)
As always,
Stay classy.

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