Monday, August 26, 2013


Hello fellow Internet Searchers.

Sorry for the lateness of the post, but life got pretty hectic leading up here. But do not despair, this too shall pass.

But onto today's story.
It's short because it's late, but it's still important.

If you ever plan on becoming a parent or are a parent, don't put a number on your kid. Mom did that to me tonight. And it never feels good, but Mom added an extra bit of pain and misery by threatening one of the only things I love, Drama. It's wasn't even reasonable, she said 3.0 minimum and A's are expected.

How was I supposed to react to that?

So trust me, and I speak from experience, don't push a number onto your kid. Tell them to do their best. And if you raised them right, it will be good enough.

Song of the day is This is Gospel by Panic at the Disco!
As always,
Stay classy.

And for god's sake, don't fall into the trap of numbers. It's not worth it.

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