Tuesday, February 11, 2014


So I've been away again, as is the norm, but in my travels through the last week somethings have been plaguing my mind.
Are people inherently good or bad?
A few reasons this thought process has been adopted is because we're reading Frankenstein in English. Let me tell you right now, Mary Shelley was not a very diverse writer. Also I hate everyone except the Creature (who I have named Adam because I can.) And also because we've been looking at more recent wars in history. Most notably the South Asian conflicts and the Vietnam war.
We had a veteran come in today and he talked about what it was like being on ground. We asked him about what it was like and what were some experiences he had. He gave a presentation, on one of the slides he had something about a "Kit Carson Scout." or the North Vietnamese solders who defected to the south. I asked about why they were called Kit Carson scouts and he replied that it sounded like it was from a western.
Later he opened it up to Q and A, I asked what his nickname was if he had one. There was a giggle through the class and he responded that his team were named after birds of prey. He listed off some names and we all shook our heads and smiled because that was "cool" to have some sort of calling name.
After the Q and A he had a memorial slide to the people who died in a battle he survived. The names he previously listed were all on this slide. This was the most upsetting thing to me.
We had heard that the North Vietnamese would enlist children to fight in these wars and I wasn't surprised because they do it today. He talked about holes in the ground filled with spikes covered in biological material as a form of booby trap. I wasn't surprised because I had seen it on movies.
But when he got to the final slide and listed off those lost, those birds of prey, I cried. Because this was the part of war that no matter how many videos your teacher shows you, or stats you read, you will never begin to understand the loss that affected those solders. We had only the slightest glimpse of it today, and it is a terrible fact that I wish no one would ever have to experience.
And it's made me thing that maybe at our core we are not made to love one another. Because to make anyone experience the total loss of people you protected, it's insane to me that is possible.
I'm still searching for a good answer to my question, and maybe I won't ever get there, but I'm closer to understanding it now then I was before.
I'd like to thank Colonial Cooper for coming and talking to my class today, and I'd like to take a minute to thank all of the veterans and service members who may be reading. Your job is not easy, and from what I have learned, one that is not often enjoyed.
There will be no song today, but I am going to link you to a good website to learn more about the veterans memorial for Vietnam. Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Thank you.

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