Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mashed Potato's.

Hello fellow Internet pirates!

I'm in the middle of doing history homework, way to go imperialism, and it got me thinking about life compared to the British invasion of Africa. (okay so I understand how that is a bit of a stretch, but keep this in mind you should be made of rubber by now.)

Okay so let's identify the key players in the invasion, Britain (obviously), Africa (also obvious), and pride.

Now what caused Britain to invade Africa? Pride, Necessity, and Social Darwinism (basically a really weird way of rationalizing the "I'm better then you because of these reasons" mentality, super lame.)

Now let's pull that into life. Say you're Africa, just chilling out and not doing much, eating some grub of your choice. Then all of a sudden some huge douche nozzle slaps your grub out of your hands and said "You're my slave for the rest of the year!"

That would suck majorly, now let's think about why they did it. Britain (the douche nozzle that owns you as of late.) had some sort of pride, that's how they were able to so confidently stride over and mess with you. Then they had the necessity, obviously Britain (not the actual place the person we are using in this example.) isn't that smart, or they would have realized that picking on you was a bad idea. So they need someone to do their history homework for them. (necessity!) And lastly, there's Social Darwinism. Basically, Britain is rich, like rolling in the dough could own the school if they wanted. They think they are better then you because of that.

Did you under stand that? If yes, then you understand the beginning parts of the spread of the Imperialist Empire.

And now I relate this all back to life and Ipoly. 

Sometimes life and school feel like and Imperialist empire sorta trying to screw you over, just because they think they are better, or in Ipoly's case, need you to be prepared. You just have to accept that right now, in your Pre-industry African state (I mean being a teenager btw.), you can't fight life. But one day, after life and school have gotten you down long enough you can rise up and start a revolution (Go to collage and get a job and do what you want to do.)

Okay, so that was a bit of a stretch, but it's good to give your brain some exercise.

The song of the day is Safe and Sound by Capitol Cities
As always,
Stay classy.

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