Thursday, August 29, 2013

Savage Wars of Peace.

Hello fellow Internet floaters.

No post tonight, some really personal issues have come up. To personal for the blog even.

Maybe I'll let you know about it soon.

As always,
Stay classy.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


So now that I have your attention, you may have noticed an absence on last Friday.
That's because I didn't post.

I've decided that i'm taking Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off to recover and work on homework and projects.
The only loopholes to the new schedule is if we have an event or something over the weekend.
But yeah that's about it, have a lovely night.
As always,
Stay classy.

Mashed Potato's.

Hello fellow Internet pirates!

I'm in the middle of doing history homework, way to go imperialism, and it got me thinking about life compared to the British invasion of Africa. (okay so I understand how that is a bit of a stretch, but keep this in mind you should be made of rubber by now.)

Okay so let's identify the key players in the invasion, Britain (obviously), Africa (also obvious), and pride.

Now what caused Britain to invade Africa? Pride, Necessity, and Social Darwinism (basically a really weird way of rationalizing the "I'm better then you because of these reasons" mentality, super lame.)

Now let's pull that into life. Say you're Africa, just chilling out and not doing much, eating some grub of your choice. Then all of a sudden some huge douche nozzle slaps your grub out of your hands and said "You're my slave for the rest of the year!"

That would suck majorly, now let's think about why they did it. Britain (the douche nozzle that owns you as of late.) had some sort of pride, that's how they were able to so confidently stride over and mess with you. Then they had the necessity, obviously Britain (not the actual place the person we are using in this example.) isn't that smart, or they would have realized that picking on you was a bad idea. So they need someone to do their history homework for them. (necessity!) And lastly, there's Social Darwinism. Basically, Britain is rich, like rolling in the dough could own the school if they wanted. They think they are better then you because of that.

Did you under stand that? If yes, then you understand the beginning parts of the spread of the Imperialist Empire.

And now I relate this all back to life and Ipoly. 

Sometimes life and school feel like and Imperialist empire sorta trying to screw you over, just because they think they are better, or in Ipoly's case, need you to be prepared. You just have to accept that right now, in your Pre-industry African state (I mean being a teenager btw.), you can't fight life. But one day, after life and school have gotten you down long enough you can rise up and start a revolution (Go to collage and get a job and do what you want to do.)

Okay, so that was a bit of a stretch, but it's good to give your brain some exercise.

The song of the day is Safe and Sound by Capitol Cities
As always,
Stay classy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sophomore Milestones.

Hello fellow Internet Vagabonds,

Today was less bad then yesterday, but still pretty bad. But I've hit a few "Sophomore Milestones." and that sorta makes up for it. I'm still swamped with homework and various other things, but today was a filled day so it is my civic duty to inform you of all the going's on in the world of Ipoly.

Milestone number one is "The Door Scene." This is all apart of Film Creation, a mandatory elective for all sophomores. It's mandatory for a reason we'll find out second semester, apparently. It's really fun, and it helped take my mind off things. In my Film group I happened to get lucky and get Vivian! Which is overly exciting. I also got Genesis and Kinzy, whose a total sweetheart. We did the door scene with Gen as production manager, Vivian as cinematographer, and Kinzy as enthusiastic actress. It went really well, with Vivi's steady hand and well knowledge of angles it looked awesome for a first cut.

Then there was Milestone number two, I walked into an old freshmen class and harassed the teacher and begged to use the facility's of the door for our scene. Every sophomore goes through this, and I'm proud to say I survived.

I also survived my first real test of group project work, and damn are we working well with each other. I'm kinda in love with how smooth everything is running. Of course there will be rushing water under our precariously placed bridge, but we'll get through it together.

Now I'm going to gush about my house teacher, Hogan. He is one of the most amazing teachers I've ever had. I've alerted him to Mom numbering me, and he gave me this advice.
"Work hard, and you'll be okay."

That may not sound like much but it was something I needed to hear.

Today's song is Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine

As always,
Stay classy.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Hello fellow Internet Searchers.

Sorry for the lateness of the post, but life got pretty hectic leading up here. But do not despair, this too shall pass.

But onto today's story.
It's short because it's late, but it's still important.

If you ever plan on becoming a parent or are a parent, don't put a number on your kid. Mom did that to me tonight. And it never feels good, but Mom added an extra bit of pain and misery by threatening one of the only things I love, Drama. It's wasn't even reasonable, she said 3.0 minimum and A's are expected.

How was I supposed to react to that?

So trust me, and I speak from experience, don't push a number onto your kid. Tell them to do their best. And if you raised them right, it will be good enough.

Song of the day is This is Gospel by Panic at the Disco!
As always,
Stay classy.

And for god's sake, don't fall into the trap of numbers. It's not worth it.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hello fellow Internet pathfinders,

Sorry today's post will be so late/short. Ipoly really takes a lot out of you.
I figured since I'm so tired, and this isn't really a day recap like usual, that I would try something different.

I'm going to explain what drew me to Ipoly. Because you know a lot about me, but not exactly why I chose Ipoly in the first place.

It all started out back in the eighth grade, I was a strange child and had quite the list of issues (which have yet to deplete) my friend Danny brought me an application for the school International Polytechnic High School. I was immediately confused and wasn't convinced of the schools awesomeness until he said. "They have an awesome drama department and are basically Hogwarts." To which I responded "Oh my gosh when can I apply?"

Then came what I guess is called freshmen night, where all the clubs and teachers and pretty much the whole school tries to get people to come and join Ipoly. Which is where I saw improv.
And boy was I in love.

Improv is basically the best thing on the existence of planet earth. You get to pal around and make jokes and play pretend. And while I was in improv I made some of the best friends possibly imaginable. But that was drama for me as a whole.

So improv pulled me in and the teachers made me stay. Despite how crazy things are, I'm super excited to be starting up improv and drama soon. Thursdays where feeling lonely.

Today's song is "Fuck Up" by Shane Dawson for the large amount of cursing we did in improv last year!
As always,
Stay classy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Hello fellow Internet Vagabond,

Today was significantly less hectic then yesterday, so much so there isn't really much to talk about. The day can be broken down into three parts;

* Spanish (AKA The Eternal Hell That is Miss V's Class)
* Lunch
* Groups

And that's what today's post is going to follow, no pop ups or surprises (unless I get bored.)
Let's dive in shall we?

California state collages require you to have three years of a foreign language to get into the school. Now this could be any language, like French., but Ipoly insists on having it be Spanish. Let me preface this to say I have nothing against people who can speak Spanish, in fact I'm a little jealous, but I hate learning this type of speaking. It is literally the most dull thing I do in my day, and that's while simultaneously disliking math. I have no interest in learning Spanish, nor do I have any want to learn Spanish, so taking this class is wasting an hour and twenty six minutes of my life.

Now that being said, I could handle taking a Spanish class, IF I had a good teacher. I don't happen to have a good teacher, Miss V is the whitest person they could find to teach Spanish class. She's from northern Texas, I would understand if she was close to where they spoke the dialect but she's not! And to top it all off she teaches through song. Not like taking a song from popular media and giving us the Spanish translation, and not actual Spanish songs. They are songs for kindergartners (nursery school for all my Europeans? I just Google'ed European kindergarten so bare with me.) that are supposed to teach basic Spanish phrases and do not accomplish that. Then after we hear a rousing round of "Como te llamas?" (if someone could tell me what that means I'd be in love, thanks.) we do vocab worksheets. Not from a book, and not guided. You pick eight Spanish words you "Don't know" and write them down. I usually put the same eight words and she doesn't notice. I can handle bad subjects (Hate math, love the challenge that it gives me.) but I cannot handle bad teachers.

Lunch at Ipoly is weird. (Okay everything at Ipoly is weird but this is cool weird.) We don't have a cafeteria. And before two years ago we didn't have a building (I say we like I was in "The Portables" which I wasn't but some of my graduated senior friends were and I shadowed in them three or four times so I understand what they talked about.) But because of our lack of caf and our closeness to a collage campus, we eat like collage students. As in Subway and Starbucks, or sushi and Taco Bell. Or if you're really broke there is Vista, a tiny 7/11-esque store run by a very scary man called Bob by most of the sophomores. And I just happened to go Up for lunch today.

Quick vocabulary lesson of my own;\
*Up is where Subway, sushi (which is called Kika), and poly fresh are (poly fresh is another mini mart thing)
*Up-Up is where Panda Express, Taco Bell, Carl's Jr, and Starbucks are.
*Buffet is a buffet
there's also a Denny's on campus but we only ever go there after school or during improve/drama practice, mainly because the line is so damn long during lunch.

Brooke walked me up, she had a sack lunch but alas I did not. I was planning to just get something from Vista (Though I sent Donovan up to Carl's to see if they were open spoiler : they weren't ) but the line was flooded with new freshmen. I finally understood why we were annoying to upper clansmen. Freshmen tend to huddle and spazz out and I can't say I didn't do that because I know I did. (God there were a lot of I's there) So to Up I went with Brooke in tow.

After the walk to Up (which isn't really that long but it was hot and my ankles hurt, don't judge me.) I squirmed through freshmen and senior alike to try and sneak into line to get some food before the lunch hour was over. I gave up on Kika's line and made my way to Poly Fresh the only place that ,no matter how busy it was, never got a line. Brooke and I quickly payed for my lunch and ate peacefully, until we almost left Up late.

Last of the day was getting groups. Sophomore year is divided into two semesters, and you get one group per semester. If you have a bad group, you will have to deal with them for half the year, which some alumni once told me was not fun at all. Lucky for me, my group isn't bad. In fact I'd even say it was pretty good (but that would jinx it so I'm not saying that at all.) Our first big sophomore project is The Olympics. Each house competes with six teams of six that each represent a different country. (My group got Greece) and the first component (Little bits and pieces that make up the whole project) is The Flag. But Greece's flag is pretty easy so!

I'm really looking forward to the remainder of the year, and I hope you are too.

The song of the day is Smooth Criminal by Michel Jackson (cover by Glee) it's good I swear.

As always,
Stay classy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The First Day.

"You are north house now."

Hello fellow Internet wanderers, glad to see you around again.

Today was the first day, which was terror filled and exciting. I'm sure you may not have started school yet (or maybe you have) in any consolation, congrats on surviving the first day. I understand how that can be a bit of a chore (especially for all you freshies out there) Today was a day of new classes and changed faces. People got taller and sometimes more defined (summer sports can do wonders for mussel growth apparently) Don't worry you shouldn't get too lost, though I did.

The car ride was the same one we took all last year, but something felt different, maybe it was the new shoes, or all the crap they make you carry sophomore year. We (Grandpa and I) pulled up into Ipoly's weird little drive by drop off zone and I stepped out into my first day. And I was bombarded with love, no literally almost immediately after entering I got hugged by Brooke who then told me we were not in the same house (Houses are kinda like homeroom but not.)

Apparently I was in east house, which is the history house, (We're going to have to have a discussion about what houses are, think harry potter but less magic and more acne.) taught by Daily. So we stood there socializing and talking about all the shit we didn't get to do this summer. Until Daily's voice crackled up over the loud speaker to call all the new tenth graders to be respectively introduced to their schedules. I made my way up the sophomore stair case and latched onto the first person I knew, which so happened to be Vivian.

We stood outside of the Spanish room for what seemed like forever, then Thinness strutted up to the door and opened it like none of us were smart enough to try to do. After sitting for about fifteen minutes and looking like a dumbass, I found out that I was in the wrong house.

But how could this be, I had checked the paper, it said east! what was this blasphemy?

Then like ten other people raised their hands saying  "Uh, I think this may not be quite right for me..." Thinness (who shall be known as lady savior for the rest of this post!) took the twelve or so of us away to the MPR where I happily discovered my new home, North house.

And the remainder of the day followed that pattern of scatterbrained tom foolery.

And I'm so painfully excited.

Today's song is New Perspective by Panic at the Disco
As always,
Stay classy.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Hello fellow blogger and or Internet juggernaut,

I'm Hunter.
So you could probably go on reading about my life just based off of the little blurb on the side of my blog. If you did that you would be missing all the big stuff. Like how last year I made the ball shattering discovery that I'm not completely straight. Or all the amazing friends that I just so happen to make over the course of freshmen year.

Plus growth.

You missed a lot of growth.

So without further ado, here is the groundwork of me.

I was born in Southern California and lived there until I turned five, after that me and my mom moved to Yuma, Arizona and stayed with my Aunt Mimi. We only stayed with Aunt Mimi for about six months, then my mom remarried to a guy named Mike. (I don't remember his last name, or much about him, only that he was crazy.) We moved in with Mike and stayed in Arizona for another three months before moving to Pennsylvania. Mom, Mike, and I moved in with Mike's Mom. Our time in Pennsylvania was short, because Mike threatened to kill me. So we moved back to California with my mom's parents, Grandpa and Nana (you'll hear more about all three of them later I'm sure.)

I'll bet you were wondering where my Dad was throughout all that? Well, I couldn't honestly tell you.
Mom and Dad were divorced when I was a wee thing (I was like two and a half.) after which I didn't here from Dad until I was nine. So fast forward!

Dad and I started talking to each other via phone calls and emails. It was really awesome to get to know him. He told me about his band and all the awesome things he got to do.
Then he got sick, told me not to worry though.
And then he never responded to my emails.
I found out he died three weeks before I started school. My first year in public school ( I was home schooled by my babysitter Mrs. Dawn** and her kids Shannyn, Bryanna, Heather, and Shaun.)

After that I got really depressed and began self harming, and I self harmed until October 29th of 2012 (or so Mom thought) Mom took me to a mental hospital, where the doctors took me under seventy-two hour surveillance (to judge my mental state and make sure I wasn't a danger to myself) I caved two days in and called Mom to take me home. When Mom got to the hospital to pull me out, I left against medical advice. (which caused problems later on) Mom set up an appointment with some Religious** therapist who told me to pray the suicide away  (READ: never do this, it doesn't work and often times made me feel like I was a fuck-up and that I needed to be fixed)

We're up to my eighth grade year (Nothing really happened during seventh grade except "The Incident" and I met two of my best friends in the who world Danny** and Chloe**.)
Danny introduced me to Ipoly (or International Polytechnic High School) he got me an application and told me I was going. He was always looking out for me.
We both applied and we both got in, but then tragedy, Danny's parents where moving to "The Dust Bowl" for better jobs. Danny and I didn't end up at Ipoly together, but we are still best friends)

I went to Ipoly alone, and left freshmen year with more amazing friends and family then I can properly count.
I've had crushes and fallen hard for the wrong people. I started self harming again but made the choice (about two months ago today *8/15/13*) to stop and get help.

And in five days I'm starting sophomore year.
I'm terrified, but beyond excited.

And that's all you need to know about me really.

As always,
Stay classy.