Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Oh Dear Me How Times Have Changed

Hello fellow Internet Prisoners.

So It's been a major vacation since our last update and I appologise, I've been all caught up in my drama that I forgot what I love doing.
So quick update (s) about me:
-Currently grounded (again) Looking like June 10th relise date, but not sure.
-I got really low recently and I'm trying my best to get back up.
-Mom knows. Everything.
-I'm trying to transfer to Ayala High School (the one that Chloe goes to)

There is a whole lot that I want to talk about, because now I'm talking. I've been bottling lately and I feel like I'm going nuts. But I don't have time. I'm leaving school in twenty minutes to go to my sisters house to be prayed over or something. (Side note: still bitter about Mom wanting to banish my bad emotions with a little Religion.)
I'm going to try and start doing updates once a week from my phone, maybe every other Thursday (improv schedule?)I just miss talking about what's important to me. Which brings me to the biggest change that's going to be happening around here.
I'm Changing the blog name, the URL will stay until the end of the year but im changing that too. Or I'm thinking about after sophomore year just starting a new blog and leaving this one alone. But the name is changing, this isn't a sophomore fever. This is something completely different.

Now that I'm looking at a calender and I'm realizing that I have seven weeks of sophomore year left. And I'm thinking about all the things that changed this year. I've lost a lot of friends, and I've completely altered my homelife wiether or not I want to admit it. I've gotten a lot older this year, and I'm feeling the effects. I'm starting to put something in perspective, but others not so much...
This has been a huge year for me, my writing, my personality, my mental health. Just everything has changed.

But I'm still trying to stay as hopeful as possible.
Song of the day Do what you do by Cute is what we aim for.
Sorry the end is rushed.